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A well-known fact is that the world supplies of traditional fuel are decreasing and the world energy production from the alternative sources is constantly increasing. Each year the number of countries displaying a keen interest in development and application of regenerative energy is rising. Biomass is a considerable and perspective kind of fuel for Ukraine. Nowadays obtaining energy from biomass (wood, straw, plant remainders of agricultural production, manure, organic particle of hard domestic offcuts) is the field developing quickly and dynamically in many countries of the world. In favour of biomass speaks the fact that it has large power potential and refurbishable character. In our research we considered the use of straw for the receipt of energy and its practical value for a particular enterprise. As well as any type of power resource from biomass, burning of straw has a number of advantages. The advantage is that straw is indeed a regenerative source and is reproduced every year with the new harvest of grain crops. It is accessible for users, especially in rural locality that will allow saving part of facilities on traditional power carriers.
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Jak cytować
Kołodziejczak, W., & Perederiy, N. (2016). ENERGY-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES IN AGRICULTURE OF UKRAINE. Metody Ilościowe W Badaniach Ekonomicznych, 17(4), 89–100. Pobrano z
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