Radar measures of structures’ conformability

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Zbigniew Binderman
Bolesław Borkowski
Wiesław Szczesny

In the following work a new method was proposed to studysimilarity of objects’ structures. This method is an adaptation of radarmethods of objects’ ordering and cluster analysis, which are being developedby the authors. The value added by the authors is the construction ofmeasures for conformability of structures of two objects. Those measuresmay also be used to define similarities between given objects. Proposedmeasures are independent of the order of features

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Jak cytować
Binderman, Z., Borkowski, B., & Szczesny, W. (2010). Radar measures of structures’ conformability. Metody Ilościowe W Badaniach Ekonomicznych, 11(1), 45–59. Pobrano z https://qme.sggw.edu.pl/article/view/3047


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