Income Level and Population Aging Impact on Retirement Savings in OECD Countries

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Dorota Witkowska
Krzysztof Kompa


Increasing old-dependency ratio has essential impact on pension systems which must be reformed and adjusted to actual demographic situation. Applying linear regression, we look for relationships between retirement savings and levels of incomes and old-age dependency ratios in 36 selected OECD countries. Our findings show that the population aging affects pension assets acccumulation differently in developed and developing countries although pension  assets are increasing in both groups of countries. Concurrently, the regression models let us divide OECD countries into three groups - Countries where the old-age dependency ratio affects per capita investment positively and statistically significant (26 countries), insignificantly (5 countries) and negatively and significant (5 countries).

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Jak cytować
Witkowska, D., & Kompa, K. (2024). Income Level and Population Aging Impact on Retirement Savings in OECD Countries. Metody Ilościowe W Badaniach Ekonomicznych, 25(1), 31–42.

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